Taste in harmony with people and nature

We want to provide people with the most natural, freshest and tastiest fruit and vegetables — in a way that we can be proud of ourselves. That’s easy to say but implementing it in such a way that it meets our high standards involves a lot of work. It starts with selecting suitable growing regions and varieties with great precision and only working with partners who share our values and passion for delicious fruit.

In order for this to be more than just pretty words, our corporate strategy is based on various global requirements and international standards.

Sustainable development goals

We are an active member of the Spanish network of the United Nations Global Compact and have been committed to contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2018. In 2011, SanLucar additionally joined the United Nations Global Compact with the commitment to align its organisations with ten principles universally accepted in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and the fight against corruption. The Global Reporting Initiative indicators (GRI) help us to measure the fulfilment of these goals and of our progress in sustainable development. For more information on the activities and the 8 SDGs (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15 & 17) that SanLucar is committed to, click on the following table.

SanLucar’s auditing system

We have high quality standards — not only for fruit and vegetables, but also for social and environmental factors. That’s why we have developed our in-house auditing system for the areas of governance, trade, production and labour market policies. It’s based on the principles of internationally recognised certifications and guidelines from the environmental and social field. But our own criteria are stricter. The auditing system helps us evaluate our activities geared towards corporate responsibility objectively, as well as to attain comparable conditions on the farms of SanLucar and create concrete action plans.

Our grower profiles

Before we start a relationship with a growing partner, we create a grower profile. Agricultural engineers working for SanLucar are responsible for this, in collaboration with the growing partners’ agricultural engineers. We only start collaboration once they’ve met the minimum requirements (such as the GLOBALG.A.P. and/or QS-GAP) and ratings for social, health, safety and environmental issues.

Sustainably successful

The balance between environment, society and economy is a central issue to us. We set goals that are in harmony with the people and resources in the growing areas. We work with independent certifying bodies and fulfil the demands of internationally renowned certification standards such as the SA8000, GLOBALG.A.P., GRASP and/or Rainforest Alliance.

Our DREAMS programme also bundles together our social commitment in the SanLucar countries. In 2018, for example, the government of Tunisia awarded us the prize for social progress for our continuous efforts to improve the work and living conditions of our employees. The award was handed to us by the Tunisian president at a solemn ceremony. Awards such as these confirm our work in the area of sustainability. And we’re proud of that.