1. General Terms of Use and Acceptance

The following legal notice regulates the access and use of the content in the Website www.sanlucar.com (henceforth the “Website”) owned and managed by SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L. (henceforth, “SANLUCAR FRUIT”). Its use will be subject to the following terms and conditions.

By using this Website, you accept these terms and conditions and submit to them. If you do not agree with such terms or with our Confidentiality Policy, we ask you not to use this Website or the services provided. Otherwise, we will consider there is acceptation on your side.

Using this Website implies fully acceptance of the conditions and terms specified by the General Terms of Use published by SANLUCAR FRUIT at the moment the User access the Website. Therefore the User should read them each time he/she access this Website, because they may be have been subject to alterations.

The use of certain services offered to the Users through the Website is subject to own particular conditions, which at any time, may substitute, complement and/or modify these General Terms of Use. Therefore, before using such services, the User must read carefully and accept as well the relevant own particular conditions.

The User who intentionally or deliberately breaches any of the said obligations shall be liable for the damages that SANLUCAR FRUIT may suffer.

2.Particular conditions

The users having express authorization given by SANLUCAR FRUIT to accessing certain information entered in the Website by clients or suppliers, and particularly documents which may make reference to the multi-residue analyse, field notebooks, campaign books, checklist of treatments, product and labelling specifications, different kind of certifications or related documents, homologation audits or other related documents, quality controls, recommendations or advice for the crop management will be subject to SANLUCAR FRUIT’s guidelines, by renouncing using any of the materials and information with illegal purposes or contrary to those established by SANLUCAR FRUIT.

In any case, the information which may be accessed through the Website will be solely and exclusively used to be consulted through the site and under no circumstance may it be used for the User’s own use without the express authorization of the person who added the document or information.

3. Terms of Access and Use of the Website

As User, you commit to make use of the information, content and services accessed through this Website, respecting the Law, good manners and this General Terms of Use, as well as respecting other Users.

Users will renounce using any of the materials or information contained in this Website with illegal purposes and those specifically forbidden by this General Terms of Use, as well as the particular conditions that, at any time, may be implemented and which may be contrary to the rights and interests of SANLUCAR FRUIT, its employees and/or third parties. The User will respond against them in case they infringe or fail to carry out such obligations and/or, in anyway, (including introduction or spreading of “computer virus”) harms, renders useless, overloads, damages or hinders the normal use of the Website content, information systems or documents, files and all types of content stored in any computer equipment (hacking) owned by SANLUCAR FRUIT, its employees or any Website user.

The user will be the only responsible for the truthful and updated information and data provided to SANLUCAR FRUIT, guaranteeing at any time their truthfulness and accuracy.

The user that does not fulfil the obligations mentioned will be responsible for all damages caused to SANLUCAR FRUIT.

4. Guarantee and Responsibility Exclusion

SANLUCAR FRUIT does not assume any obligation or commitment to verify information provided by its clients. Furthermore, it does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the Website. Therefore, it is not responsible of any damage of any nature that may be due to decisions taken, based on the information here published as a consequence of lack of accuracy, thoroughness, or updated information, as well as errors or omissions on this Website or others which may be accessed through it.

The user is responsible for taking the necessary precautions to check the non-existence of virus or any other type of programs that may be of harmful nature. SANLUCAR FRUIT will not be responsible for the existence of harmful elements, such as virus, that may cause damages or malfunction of systems, software, hardware, programs, documents and electronic files the User has. Similarly, it will not be responsible for possible damages that may be caused by the User to third parties.

You use this Website voluntarily and under your responsibility. SANLUCAR FRUIT will not be responsible, contractual or extra contractual for any damages, direct or indirect, unforeseen, emergent or punitive, resulting from access or use of this Website.

5. Registration and security

SANLUCAR FRUIT keeps in its Website, http://www.sanlucar.com, a public and restricted area. To access its public area, no previous User registration is needed. Nevertheless, to obtain access to the restricted area, it will be indispensable to request SANLUCAR FRUIT a “User name” and its respective “password”.

All access keys provided are personal and non-transferable. You are the only person that may use them. Therefore, you will be the only one responsible for all activities undertaken with these keys.

For this purpose, you should choose characters that cannot be easily identified and keep them secret. The fact of providing to other non-authorized persons, using their keys or attempting to decode the access key of others is deemed to be a serious violation of the regulation norms.

The assigned password cannot be lent to third parties, not even on a temporary basis. You are the only responsible for taking the necessary measures to keep these keys confidential. Moreover, you are the only responsible for the actions undertaken under them, as well as for the information given.

You will be responsible for notifying immediately to SANLUCAR FRUIT of their loss or the suspicion that someone is using them without your consent, as well as of any other security problem.

6. Links to other Websites

This Website may contain links to other Websites managed by third parties, upon which SANLUCAR FRUIT does not exercise any type of control.

SANLUCAR FRUIT neither manages nor guarantees these sites. Therefore we are not responsible of the linked Websites or the links contained in them. SANLUCAR FRUIT is not responsible for the content and information included in other Websites, as well as the terms of use and confidentiality policies published in them. It may not be interpreted that they are an extension of our Website or that we share opinions expressed in them or that we may have any interest or collaboration in the services provided in them.

7. Copyright

This Website is under Spanish laws and is protected by national and international legislation on copyright and industrial property.

All copyrights and industrial property rights shown on this Website are legally reserved. In any case will their access or use imply the assignment of any license of use or right on any asset owned by SANLUCAR FRUIT, unless otherwise expressly specified.

All the contents shown in this Website, and particularly articles, studies, brands, trademarks, and any distinctive signs contained in it will be subject to copyright by SANLUCAR FRUIT and/or third right-holders, having duly authorized their publication in the Web Site. In addition, texts, pictures, graphs, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source code, belong to SANLUCAR FRUIT and are subject to copyright.

Moreover, except those cases where expressed authorization by SANLUCAR FRUIT has been obtained, the reproduction, copy, distribution, transformation, public display, suppression, security systems manipulation and any activity that may be undertaken with the content, information and the trademarks included in this Website is forbidden, as well as with its source code, images, design, presentation form and selection of the materials included in it, whatever its purpose and medium used.

The non-authorized use of the materials and information contained in the Web Site may constitute a breach of the legislation on intellectual and industrial property and other applicable regulations.

If you want to formulate any suggestion or comment about our Copyright and Industrial property Statement, you can contact us through e-mail to lopd@sanlucar.com.

8. Applied legislation

The present General Terms of use are governed in each of its points by the Spanish Law.

9. Acceptance of Website Terms of access and use

Access and use to this Website, as well as its services and information included in it, implies acceptance of its Confidentiality Policy and the terms specified on this General Terms of Use. If you do not agree with them, please do not access or use this Website.

10. Contact data

Send your comments to:

SanLucar Fruit S.L.

Serra Llarga, 24
46530, Puzol, Valencia, Spanien
Tel. +34 96 142 40 40
Fax +34 96 142
41 5 8



© Copyright 2014, SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L. All rights reserved